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Методическая разработка открытого урока. Тема: «Экология. Природа»

13.03.2012 2845 10749
Антоненко Наталья Васильевна, преподаватель

Колесникова Елена Алексеевна, преподаватель

Георгиевский техникум механизации, автоматизации и управления

План занятия


Группа: 121

Дисциплина: Иностранный язык (английский)

Тема: «Экология. Природа»

Тип урока: обобщающий урок - форум

Цели урока:

Развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции;

Речевая компетенция – совершенствование коммуникативных умений; умение планировать свое речевое и неречевое поведение; развитие умения вести диалог с обменом мнениями; умение представлять презентацию по теме;

Языковая компетенция – систематизация ранее изученного материала; овладение новыми средствами в соответствии с темой урока: увеличение объема используемых лексических единиц; развитие навыков оперирования языковыми единицами в коммуникативных целях;

Социокультурная компетенция – увеличение объема знаний о проблемах загрязнения окружающей среды и отношения к этим проблемам сверстников в англоговорящих странах, других странах мира и в России;

Учебно-познавательная компетенция – развитие общих и специальных учебных умений, позволяющих совершенствовать учебную деятельность по овладению английским языком, удовлетворение с его помощью познавательных интересов в области охраны окружающей среды;

 Воспитательные цели:

- воспитание гражданской ответственности за загрязнение окружающей среды;

- развитие готовности к участию в акциях по защите экологии в своем регионе.

Развивающая компетенция - развитие умения вести диалог с обменом мнениями; развитие навыков оперирования языковыми единицами в коммуникативных целях; развитие готовности к участию в акциях по защите экологии в своем регионе.

Методические цели:

- организация самостоятельной работы по использованию ИКТ;

- организация дискуссии на английском языке

Методы обучения:

Словесный: беседа, рассказ о проблемах экологии в мире и в регионе; декламирование стихов;

Наглядный: демонстрация презентации о проблемах охраны окружающей среды в различных странах; демонстрация презентации о положении экосистемы в районе станицы Незлобной; демонстрация фильма о деятельности Гринпис в России; изображения природы.

Оборудование урока:

Наглядные пособия: сообщения по теме, визитные карточки участников форума; стихотворения.

Технические средства обучения: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, мультимедийная презентация.

Нормативная документация: календарно-тематические планы, план урока

Использованная литература:

1. Агабекян И.П. Английский язык для средних профессиональных заведений. Ростов н-Дону: Феникс, 2007

2. Грекова А.Г. Английский язык. Волгоград. Братья Гринины.2009

3. Решетов А.Г. EnglishforEverybody. Ставрополь. 2003

4. С.Е. Эккерсли.Essencial English. София. 2002

5. Интернет- ресурс.


Teacher 1: Today we’ll have our final lesson on the topic “Ecology”.

 We shall discuss many important problems connected with our topic. With the help of presentation we’ll exchange your opinions about these global problems, how to protect our Earth, how to prevent further pollution of the atmosphere and what urgent and necessary measures to undertake.


Teacher 2: So, we want you to visit an imaginary Global Forum, organized by the students of different countries together with the journalists of different newspapers. Let’s ask them to tell us about the situation in their countries and what they do to protect nature.


Переводчик: Сегодня мы открываем международный форум «Экология. Природа», организованный по инициативе студентов разных стран. Мы обменяемся мнением о том, как защитить нашу планету от дальнейшего загрязнения.


Teacher 1: Ecology is a science about nature and about relations of man with it. We are really one with nature, our planet and the Universe. This feeling of beeing one with nature is very ancient. It is expressed in many old books and myths of different countries. For instance, an Indian of North America said: “We are part of the earth and it is part of us. The perfumed flowers are our sisters; the deer, horse, the great eagle – these are our brothers.”

The same feeling was always typical for Russian people in old times. Every Russian village had the images of nature everywhere in the house-the flowers on the cups, bed covers and clothes, the leaves on the towels as if reflecting that time when our ancestors were wiping their faces and hands after washing with green foliage of birch tree.


Teacher 2: Unfortunately, our technical civilization thinking only of material goods succeeded in destroying Nature and creating the ecological crisis on our planet.

These are the names of the main environmental problems of today: littering, air pollution, water pollution, endangered animals, destruction of natural resources. The representatives of Russia, Great Britain, the USA, India, China, Japan, Australia are going to discuss these problems. We want to give the first word to the representatives of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


Great Britain: I’m a representative of the UK. People’s activity pollutes our environment. It is physical and chemical pollution. We can’t solve this problem without fighting together. Many children in big cities have never heard birds singing; they have never seen stars in the sky. Every year, in the world, the size of an area of forests  of Great Britain perishes.


Переводчик: Я – представитель Великобритании. Деятельность человека загрязняет нашу окружающую среду. Мы не можем решить эту проблему одни. Многие дети  в городах не  слышат пения птиц, так как количество лесов уменьшается.


Journalist: Do you have any environmental education for young people in your country?

Переводчик: Я слышала, что у Вас разработана программа для подростков по экологическому воспитанию. Так ли это?


Great Britain: There are more than 300 nature centres in Great Britain’s cities and more than 30 of them are in London.  Young people visit these centres with their teachers. In Britain there are a lot of environmental groups: “Friends of the Earth”, “Greenpeace”, “London Wildlife Trust”. British children learn a lot about the Earth at schools and colleges. They have special environmental education. Even though they are children and they can’t do much to prevent pollution or energy waste, there are a lot of ways in which they can help to save the Earth. It’s a very good example for sсhoolchildren and students of all countries of our planet to follow.


Переводчик: Да, у нас существует более трехсот таких центров по стране и 30 в Лондоне. Подростки с преподавателями посещают эти центры, где им рассказывают о том, как помочь спасти Землю. Это хороший пример для остальных.


Teacher 2: And now the representative of the UK will tell us about the measures their government undertakes to solve the problem of environmental protection.


Great Britain: The Problem of Environmental Protection in Great Britain.

     The environmental protection is an international importance and Great Britain pays much attention to it. There are nearly 50000 protected buildings and 7000 conservation areas of architecture of historical interest in Britain.

 Total emissions of smoke in the air have fallen by 85 cent since 1960. Most petrol stations in Britain stock unleaded petrol. The Government is committed to the control of gases emission, which damages the ozone layer. They also contribute to the greenhouse effect, which leads to the global warming and a rise in sea levels. Britain stresses the need for studying the science of climate change.

  Green belts are areas where land should be left open and free from urban sprawl. The Government attaches great importance to their protection. National parks cover 9 per cent of the total land area of England and Wales. The National Rivers Authority protects island waters in England and Wales. In Scotland the River purification authorities are responsible for water pollution control. Great Britain takes care of its environment for themselves and next generations.


Journalist: What is the main ecological problem in the USA?

Переводчик: Скажите, пожалуйста, а какая основная экологическая проблема в США?


USA: In our country a lot of forests have disappeared because of acid rains. This rain poisons the soil and the trees are dying. It is necessary to plant new forests. It is necessary to keep balance all over the world. Our towns become bigger and at the same time our nature goes to ruin.

Переводчик: В нашей стране также исчезают леса. Наши города растут, а природа отступает. Но леса необходимы для сохранения баланса на земле.


Journalist: Do you have any programme of defending the trees?

Переводчик: У Вас есть программа защиты лесов?


USA:  Greenpeace is an organization in the USA. Their programme is a programme of defending the trees. The members of Greenpeace have planted more than 1,000 trees and now they continue to plant different trees. It is their practical work. People understand that it is important and necessary to plant more and more new trees.

Переводчик: В США есть такая организация – Гринпис. Ее программа защищает леса. Члены Гринпис посадили более 1,000 деревьев и продолжают это делать. Это их работа.


Teacher 2: What country has the same problem – the problem of forests’ destruction?


India:  I’m a representative of India. Deforestarisation is the destruction of forests. The children of India try to understand what the word “tree” means. For women trees are firewood, for children- a place where they may play, for traveler it’s a place where he can have a good rest, for every man - it is oxygen, the breath of life. People of all continents can see sunrise and sunset. So we must understand: we all live in the same house. Itisourplanet.

Переводчик: Я – представительница Индии. Нас тоже волнует эта проблема. В Индии слово «дерево» значит много. Для женщин оно означает дрова, для детей - место для игр, для путника – место для отдыха, для каждого из нас – это кислород, дыхание жизни. Мы должны понимать: мы все живем в одном доме.


Teacher 2: Let’sdiscuss the problem of air pollution now. Who wants to begin?

Переводчик: А как насчет загрязнения воздуха?


China: We know that the hole in the ozone layer is increasing. It is because of combustion of gas. Badly polluted air can cause illness, and even the death. It is necessary to use alternative sources of energy. In China people use solar energy.  Useofcoalisbeingreduced.


Переводчик: Мы знаем, что дыра в озоновом слое увеличивается из-за сгорания газа. В Китае используют солнечную энергию. А использование угля сокращается.


Journalist: We know that waste is one of the reasons of water pollution. Isthatso?

Переводчик: Правда, что производственные отходы являются причиной загрязнения воды?


Australia: You are right. Polluted water kills fish and other marine life. People must not be passive observers. They must try to make future life better. In Sidney, water pollution is a big problem. This problem was discussed at the UN. Sydney gives new ecologically clean model of the development of life.


Переводчик: Да. В Сиднее это была большая проблема. Она решалась даже в ООН. И сейчас Сидней становится экологически чистой моделью развития жизни.


Teacher 2: Whoelsewantstodiscusstheproblemofwaterpollution?


Japan: Water pollution seems to be one of the problems in our country especially after the earthquake.  Almost all water resources have been polluted after the explosion at power station in Focusima. We know that it’s a great problem all over the world. Many rivers and lakes become useless for fishing.


Переводчик: Загрязнение воды - одна из проблем, особенно после землетрясения. Почти все ресурсы воды загрязнены после аварии на  атомной станции в Фокусиме. Во многих озерах и реках погибла рыба.


Teacher 1: Thankyou. And now we give a word to the representative of Russia.


Russia: The ecological situation in our country is dangerous. The lakeBaikal, the Black Sea and many other parts of our country are in ecological danger.

  In 103 cities with a population of about 50 million people the percent of bad substances in the air and in the water has increased. It is dangerous to eat some kinds of food because of water, air and soil pollution.

  Rivers flow into seas and oceans. So the waters surrounded our country are polluted. Nothing can live or grow in such polluted waters.


Переводчик: Экологическая ситуация в нашей стране опасная. Озеро Байкал, Черное море и многие другие места загрязнены. Загрязненные реки впадают в моря и океаны. Опасными становятся и продукты.


Teacher 2: Not only adult people are worried about the pollution of nature. Even schoolchildren  think about this problem. Now we want you to watch the film of a schoolboy about the tragedy of nature.


What Have They Done to the World?

What have they done to the seas, my


What have they done to the seas?

What have they done to the rivers, my


What have they done to our land, my


This land which is ours from birth.

What have they done to our forests, my


What have they done to the Earth?

What have they done to the skies, my


Skies that are blue and so clear.

What have they done to the skies, my


What have they done to the air?


Teacher 1: Dear friends, you have just seen a film about the ecological situation in our region. As this problem is global, I want to discuss it. Who wants to go first?


Student 1: I do. The film and the words of the poem impressed me greatly. I am upset because we have just seen many polluted parts of our country. Now we know that buses and cars are the sources of pollution. We know that noise is a special kind of environmental pollution.

Переводчик: Фильм и стихотворение произвели на меня сильное впечатление. Теперь я знаю, что автобусы и машины тоже являются источником загрязнения.


Teacher 2: Why do you think environmental problems have become exceptionally acute in Russia? Whowouldliketodiscussthis?

Переводчик: Почему вы думаете, что экологические проблемы в России актуальны? Кто хочет обсудить это?


Student 2: For a long time, too little attention was paid to the environment. Today the situation is different. People all over the world are worried what is happening to the environment because of modern industry and the need for more energy.  Newspapers and magazines write about water, air and soil pollution. Now many parts of the world are overcrowded, people live in big cities and much of the waste, especially waste from factories, electric power stations, the chemical industry and heavy industry is very dangerous. Fish dies in lakes, rivers and seas, trees die too. Much of this dangerous waste goes into the air and is carried by winds for great distances. Global warming threatens to wreck the planet. Water is being used unsustainably and is running out. Animalandplantspeciesarebeingwipedout.


Переводчик: Долгое время  проблемам экологии уделяли мало внимания. Многие районы заселены большим количеством людей, большие города замусорены, особенно опасны отходы от предприятий, атомных станций, химической и тяжелой промышленности. Глобальное потепление угрожает планете. Рыба погибает, животные и растения исчезают навсегда.


Student 3: I would like to add something. The ecological situation has become very strained.

In towns and cities there are many sources of environmental pollution. Because of economic difficulties, the government skimped on measures to protect the environment from industrial pollution, as a result half of water sources are polluted with communal and industrial waste.


Переводчик: Мне бы хотелось добавить. Из-за экономических трудностей, правительство экономит на мерах по защите окружающей среды, в результате чего в воду попадают отходы.


Teacher 1: What other problems would you like to be discussed?

Переводчик: Что нужно делать, чтобы исправить ситуацию?


Student 4: People of the whole world must take urgent measures to protect the environment from further pollution of the land, water and air. The Earth is our home. We must take care of it. The importance of this task is pointed out by ecologists, scientists who study the relations between living things and their environment. Each of us must do everything possible to keep the land, air and water clean.

Переводчик: Люди всего мира должны принять срочные меры для защиты нашей земли. Этой проблемой обеспокоены экологи и ученые. Каждый из нас должен сделать все возможное для сохранения земли, воды и воздуха чистыми.


Teacher 2: Now we want you to watch the film about ecological situation in our country and about Greenpeace activity in Russia.


(Просмотр фильма).


Teacher 2: So, you’ve seen the film. Let’s discuss a question: why is Russia cooperating in the field of environmental protection with other countries?

Переводчик: Еще один вопрос: почему Россия объединяется с другими странами в области защиты экологии?


Student 5: Environmental protection is a universal concern of all people and countries. That is why Russia is cooperating in the field of environmental protection with the United States, Canada, Norway, Finland and other countries. People must discuss different ecological problems and make correct conclusions. Only common efforts of all  people of the world will help to stop further pollution of the Earth.


Переводчик: Защита экологии- всеобщая забота, поэтому Россия объединяется с Норвегией, Канадой, Финляндией и другими странами. Только общие усилия дадут результат.


Teacher 1: And now one of our students will present a report about ecological situation in her native village Nezlobnaya.


Ecological Situation of Forest Ecosystem on the River Podkumok nearby Stanitsa Nezlobnaya.

            I would like to tell you aboutecological situation of forest ecosystem on the river Podkumok nearby stanitsa Nezlobnaya.

            The purpose of my work is:

a) to determine the situation of forest;

b) to determine the ecological situation of the ecosystem;

c) to give the prognosis of further development of the system;

d) to work out measures on reconstruction of the system.

            My work is actual as forests are taken about one percent of the total area. We must save them. Examining the territory I’ve seen that the soil is greatly ruined. Winds, acid rain and the sun have destroyed it also.

            People’s activity does the harm to the forest. People cut down trees to build farms, houses and roads. The trees have become taller, but thinner. The forest is disappearing.

            Plants are the basis of our life on the Earth. Our region is very rich in rare bushes and flowers. There are 42 species of them in it. Wild plants are disappearing because of pollution.

            I see three variants of further development of ecosystem in our region.

1. The further disappearance of the forest as a result of changing climate and pollution.

2. The longest and slowest reconstruction without people’s interference. But it is unrealistic.

3. Planting new trees, cleaning the area from the trash will lead to the saving of the forest.

            Only common efforts of all people will help to save our nature to the next generations.

Thank you.


Teacher 2: The Earth is our home. We must take care of it. How can we keep our environment clean?

Переводчик: Как сохранить окружающую среду чистой?


- Don’t buy drinks in plastic bottles. These can’t be recycled and plastic won’t even degrade. If you throw this bottle away, it will litter the Earth forever. Only buy water and other drinks in aluminum cans or glass bottles. Buy milk and juice in cartons. Glass, aluminum and carton can be recycled.

- Не покупайте напитки в пластиковых бутылках. Они не утилизируются и не распадаются. Если выбросить такую бутылку, она останется на земле навсегда. Покупайте воду, молоко и сок в алюминиевой упаковке, стеклянных бутылках и бумажных пакетах.

- The energy saved from one recycled aluminum can will operate a television set for three hours. If you throw aluminum can out of the window, it will still litter the Earth up to 500 years. If you throw a glass bottle away, you litter the Earth forever.

- Энергия, полученная от переработанной алюминиевой упаковки, позволит телевизору работать в течение трех часов. Если выбросить такую упаковку из окна поезда, то она пролежит в земле 500 лет, а стеклянная бутылка останется в земле навсегда.

- Save water. Repair the leaky toilet or tap in your house. It is better to water the garden in the coolest part of the day. The best time to water is early in the morning before the sun gets hot.

- Берегите воду. Ремонтируйте текущие краны и бачки. Лучше поливать огород в прохладное время дня - ранним утром.

- Electric power stations burn coal to produce energy, that causes acid rain. So, save the room. Turn off the TV or the stereo when you are not watching or listening.

- Электростанции сжигают уголь для производства энергии, что приводит к выпадению кислотных дождей. Отключайте телевизор или стерео, если вы не смотрите телевизор и не слушаете музыку.


- Don’t cut wild flowers. In England since the Second World War 22 wild flower species have disappeared forever, 317 are standing on the brink.

- Не рвите полевые цветы. В Англии исчезло 22 вида диких видов цветов, еще 317 на грани исчезновения.

Teacher 1: Pollution is a complicated problem. Automobiles are polluting the air but they provide transportation for the people. Factories pollute the air and the water but they provide jobs for people and produce necessary goods. Fertilizers and pesticides are important for growing crops but they can ruin soil.

  We must understand that science itself can’t be good or bad. Another thing is how people use its achievements. People must reduce pollution from their own activity.

  So the problem is to protect life on the Earth, to save our planet for people.

Projects to prevent ecological tragedy.

What should be done to lower the concentration of harmful substances in the air of towns and cities?

Air Care.

The stinky problem of pollution has grown. More and more factories and cars add their bad breath to the air. Most states are making tough laws against air pollution. And scientists are looking for ways to make factories and cars clear.

 Cleaner Rain.

Chemicals puff out coal-burning factories around the world. When they mixed with clouds, acid rain falls and harms lakes, rivers and plants. Many countries are working hard to end acid rain. Scientists make coal burn more clearly. The amount of chemicals has dropped. So less acid rain falls!

Cleaner Cars.

 Cars are the world’s biggest air pollution. Scientists are trying to invent cars that pollute less. Farmers are trying the fuel made from soybeans.


What should be done to keep the streets of towns clean?


Each person throws away about one point eight kilograms of trash daily. About one third of this waste comes from packing. Some companies have begun to use less packing. Many cities have started recycling projects.


What should be done to protect environment from industrial pollution?

Dirty Water.

Most of lakes and rivers are polluted. There are big plants to clean up rivers and other bodies of water.

Poisons in Food.

Farmers often spray chemicals on crops to protect them against pests. Pesticides can cause health problem. Scientists find way to protect crops without using pesticides.

How people protect nature?

We plant trees and flowers. We take care of animals. People must not break trees, pick flowers in the forest or in the field. We must not throw waste paper or other things into the rivers and lakes.



Oh, Russia, I’m in Love with you!

Remember, Russia, you are great.

Not in the field of battles past

But in the green fields full of wheat

And forests, gardens, free of dust.

I love you deeply, dear land,

Your hills and rivers, sand on strand,

Your songs and dancers, lakes and seas,

Your beasts and fish, birds in trees.

Your sunrise in a splendid sight

Which gives me always such delight!


Teacher 1: It’s time to pass Declaration.


The Earth is my home.

I promise to keep it healthy and beautiful.

I will love the land, the air, the water and

   All living creatures.

United with friends, I promise to keep it,

United with friends, I will love the land,

United with friends, I’ll be a defender,

I will save the Earth.

We will save the Earth.


Teacher 2: Dear ladies and gentlemen, now you know how dangerous the ecological situation on our Earth is. Positive results depend on serious attention of the people of the whole world to the problem. You will be active members of the movement for protecting the environment from further pollution.


Teacher 1: Thank you for your work and attention. Your home task is to write your opinion about the lesson. The lesson is over.

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