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Практическое занятие с элементами творчества по теме: «Хобби: чтение, телевидение, музыка» (“Hobby: Reading, TV, Music”)

27.02.2015 1347 4407
Котова Татьяна Николаевна
Котова Татьяна Николаевна, преподаватель

Тотемский политехнический колледж

Цель урока:

Обобщить и систематизировать знания по теме: «Хобби: чтение, телевидение, музыка».


Задачи урока:

1). Выявить уровень владения студентами ранее  изученным материалом по теме «Хобби».

2). Активизировать умения и навыки аудирования, чтения и говорения (в монологической и диалогической форме); совершенствовать речевую культуру студентов.

3). Формировать познавательный интерес к изучению творчества русских и зарубежных писателей, поэтов, исполнителей.

4). Создавать условия для развития творческих способностей и положительной мотивации к общению на иностранном языке.


Оборудование: ЖК-телевизор, компьютер.


Оформление доски: 

вверху – число и тема урока;

справа – названия изученных тем; слова, пословицы.

а) All work and no                                                 1) Hobby

   play makes Jack

   a dull doy.

b) Tastes differ.                                                      2) Reading…? Why not?

c) Work while you work,                                        3) Let the Music Begin

  Play while you play.

 This is the way                                                       4) TV or not TV

 To be happy and gay.


Ход урока:

I. 1. Приветствие, вступительное слово учителя.

Good day, everybody! Dear guests we are very glad to see you at our lesson today. Ladies, how are you?

Today we shall speak about many interesting things: about your hobbies, about reading books, about going to concerts and about your TV viewing habits. We shall revise everything we know. Our topics for today are: “Hobby”; “Reading”, “TV”, and “Music”.

The aim of our lesson is to generalize, to systemize and to activize knowledge on the topic “Hobby”.

The educational tasks for the lesson are: to activize reading, speaking and auding skills on the topics “Reading, TV, Music”, to practice speaking culture; to form the right motion of studying English. By the end of the lesson you should answer the question: What can I demonstrate? And complete the phrases: I know…, I want…Is it clear for you?

So, let' s observe some things. Some of your tasks were prepared by you at home, but most of them were not prepared. Work as hard as you can.

 Be active, industrious and helpful.   I wish you success.

2. Обсуждение пословицы о труде и отдыхе.

Every day we try to work hard but sometimes we should take a little rest. Look at the screen and read a proverb (студенты читают первую пословицу).

- What do you think  this proverb mean? (предположения студентов).

II. Беседа о хобби.

1. Аудирование слов учителя.

What is a hobby? Hobby is what you can and like to do in your free time. People choose a hobby according to their tastes, personalities and temper.

With a hobby one' s life is more interesting. Some people are interested in music. They collect records of their favourite musicians and singers or attend concerts. Others are fond of reading. They enjoy reading books, written by British, American and Russian authors. A lot of people spend their free time watching TV. You know the proverb: “Tastes differ”. Can you say the same about hobbies? (ответы студентов).

2. Беседа об увлечениях жителей Великобритании и России.

  • There are five very popular leisure activities in Great Britain. What do you think they are?
  • What do you think people in Russia like to do in their free time?
  • What are your hobbies?

(ответы студентов)

III. Повторение темы «Чтение» (на экране – Reading …? Whynot?)

1. Беседа о чтении.

  • Are you fond of reading… ?
  • Is reading only a pleasure or something special for you?
  • Why do you think reading is important?

(ответы студентов)

2. Работа с текстом: «Books»

Текст читается по цепочке, перед чтением учитель говорит:

Read attentively and then we' ll see how much you have understood.

3. Выполнение задания на проверку понимания прочитанного (вопросы предъявляются после прочтения).

Now cheek your facts, and answer the questions. (устные ответы студентов; вопросы – на экране).

4. Now you know some facts about the first printers.

Беседа об авторах и книгах.

  • What kind of books do you prefer?
  • Who are your favourite writers or poets?
  • What famous British, American or Russian writers and poets do you know?
  • Which books have you read?

5. Развитие выразительности речи.

  • Do you like poetry? Why?
  • Who wants to recite their favourite poem?

(студенты читают любимые стихи)

IV. Повторение темы «Телевидение»

   (на экране – British TV Channels)

1. Беседа о телевизионных каналах и программах Великобритании.

Now, let' s speak on the topic “TV or not TV”. Watching TV is the most popular pastime in Great Britain. The British watch for many hours of television each week.

  • What programmes does British commercial and public TV broadcast?

2. Беседа о телевизионных каналах и программах в России.

    (наэкране – Russian TV Channels)

  • What channels can Russian people watch?

3. Беседа о любимых программах молодежи Великобритании и России.

Television is popular with Britain teenagers. 97% of them watch TV regularly. Some of them are really telly addicts. Various serials and soap operas are extremely popular within British TV viewers. Do you watch serials and soaps? Which ones? Why? (ответы студентов).

4. Выполнение студентами теста: «К какому типу телезрителей вы относитесь?» (тестразмещеннаэкране).

So, you have said that you like to watch TV. Let' s do a test about what kind of viewer you are. I give you one minute to read. Read the story and answer the question below: “What sort of viewer are you? Why do you think so?

(студенты переводят тест и отвечают на предложенный вопрос).

6. Развитие диалогической речи.

Учащиеся представляют диалоги на тему: «Приглашение в кино, театр», составленные дома в качестве домашнего задания.

  • Have you ever been to the cinema or to the theatre?
  • Do you often invite your friends to go with you?
  • It is not difficult to invite your friends to the cinema or theatre, it is difficult to persuade him or her to go there if they don' t want to.

Now act out your dialogues. Try to persuade your friends to go to the cinema or theatre, give your reasons. Try to be polite.

(студенты разыгрывают диалоги).

V. Повторение темы «Музыка»

 (на экране: Let the Music Begin)

1. Беседа о музыкальных стилях, композиторах, исполнителях.

  • Are you fond of music?
  • Which do you prefer: ballet, opera or musical concerts?
  • What sorts of music do you like: jazz, country music, rap, blues or rock' n' roll?
  • Does music help you?

(студенты отвечают).

2. Развитие навыков аудирования.

(текст звучит в записи)

Now, ladies, listen to the tape very attentively and then answer the question about Pop Music Festival.

Here are some words for you (слова наэкране)

Well, now tell us, please, which of these ladies is going to win the first prize? What do you think? Why? (студенты отвечают)

3. Исполнение песни группы «Beatles»

(дается как завершающий этап при повторении  темы и как момент релаксации перед окончанием работы).

Диалог со студентами:

I know that you like to watch music concerts on TV.  Let' s switch on Music Box Channel (наэкране) and watch one of the concerts of modern music.

On the 24th of October in 1962, “Let Me Do” entered the British Top Thirty. It was a song of an unknown group from Liverpool. It was the first of a number of hits that would make the group world famous.

What group was it?

(ответы студентов – Beatles)

Let' s sing one of their well–known songs, “Yesterday”.

(студенты поют песню)

VI. Итоги урока.

1. Домашнее задание:

Your home–task will be write a composition. Choose one of the topics below (темывынесенынаэкран).

1). All the world' s a stage and all the men and women merely players.

2). No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning from it.

3). All books are divisible into two classes, the books of the hour and the books of all time.

2. Заключительное слово учителя.

It's a pity but our lesson has just finished. We have spoken about many interesting things today. I hope that you have enjoyed the lesson and we reached our educational tasks. Let's return to them.

  • What have you got from this lesson?
  • Was it useful and interesting for you?

Answer the questions: What I can do now? What I know ? How (what) I want to learn further?

3. Оценивание.

Thank you for coming and taking an active part in the lesson. You all worked hard and your marks are excellent.

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